The recent election is bringing big changes. Five questions to ask yourself and your staff to be most effective moving forward.
I worked recently with a team that had been through some tough times. But in the space of a few hours, they made a remarkable transition. How did they do it?
Quick: what’s your mission statement? Can you say it without looking it up? How about the rest of your team? And most importantly, how does it make you feel? If the answer isn’t some version of “proud and inspired,” then it might be time to rethink your organization’s purpose.
Let’s face it: there’s no escaping people who push our buttons. And most often, we deal with them with less grace and more frustration than we’d like. Here are three ways to shift the balance so that you find it easier to let these people’s actions slide off your back.
From the extraordinarily challenging and seemingly endless year of 2020, here’s what I’m carrying into 2021: the power of doing less, and doing it lightly.
Like many other white people in America, I am humbled by what I have failed to recognize, soul-searching about how to listen better, and taking up activism efforts that are available to me right now. I am grateful for the generosity of the many Black and other people of color who have shared their stories and insights around racism over the past couple of months.
Well, we’re in it. How can your organization stay steady while riding waves you may not even see coming?